BREACH Cyberpunk 2077
Digi-physical scavanger hunt
What we did
Creative Direction
App Development
UX & UI Design
Sound design
Puzzle design
We helped Bandai Namco to promote the Cyberpunk 2077 game in Sweden. Our solution was a combination of digital and phsyical activites in 2019-2020.
Creative Direction
App Development
UX & UI Design
Sound design
Puzzle design
We helped Bandai Namco to promote the Cyberpunk 2077 game in Sweden. Our solution was a combination of digital and phsyical activites in 2019-2020.
HACK. STEAL. TRADE. Welcome to BREACH. In Breach you play as a Netrunner, a master hacker of the post-NET world and brain burning secret stealer. - Inspired by Cyberpunk. DVA have developed this community building scavenger hunt for Bandai Namco.
Everything starts with the user finding their way to the site http://0x4350.io*. The site scrolls a data dump of a system being breached, and then a chat starts.
HACK. STEAL. TRADE. Welcome to BREACH. In Breach you play as a Netrunner, a master hacker of the post-NET world and brain burning secret stealer. - Inspired by Cyberpunk. DVA have developed this community building scavenger hunt for Bandai Namco.
Everything starts with the user finding their way to the site http://0x4350.io*. The site scrolls a data dump of a system being breached, and then a chat starts.
You’re asked questions by a mysterious person, and give your answers by tapping option boxes with different replies. It turns out you’re talking to a representative from Night Corp, who wants to recruit you for a data grab.
If you sign up for the mission, you’re asked to download an app from Google Play / App Store.
* 0x4350 is the abbreviated ASCII code for “CP”, as in “CyberPunk”.